College is Possible is an easy to follow book to help students maximize their high school years and optimize their chances of “getting where they want to go.” This book will keep you organized during the entire college application process. Wherever you are in your journey, Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, or Senior- this book provides a roadmap for reaching your goals of attending the college of your choice.
“Thank you, Mr. McFarland, for a wonderful tool to help us prepare our children for the real world of college! Although I’ve worked in higher education for 30 years, I am approaching new territory from the perspective of a mom of high school junior. I found myself fretting over the steps to get him ready for college applications and standardized testing. The book is well written with user-friendly instructions! “College is Possible” was the guide I needed. We will “prepare, plan and prosper!”
- Dr. Bridgette Dewees, Parent & Assistant Vice President of Institutional Effectiveness at Claflin University